Upon informing him the strongholds are defeated he will inform you that there was a pirate ship sighting but it disappeared around the south side of the island. Head back to Sesami to let him know that the strongholds have been defeated: Head back up the hill and dispatch of the final enemy to secure this camp:.Once the Bokoblin is defeated turn your attention to the Moblin and bait out its attacks while counterattacking: The Bokoblin is faster and easier to take out, let the Moblin swing at you so you have time to take out the Bokoblin. The Moblin and Bokoblin will notice you, let them chase you down the hill.Shoot the archer on the right taking it out: At the top of the area you will see two archers and a Black Bokoblin and Black Moblin by a campfire.

Avoid it and head up the hill to melee this Bokoblin: Head up the hill but be careful, the Bokoblin at the top of the hill will try to catch you with a boobytrap using a giant spike ball.This one is the most difficult of the three:.Hop down and get close and melee this last enemy to secure this stronghold: Finally off overlooking the cliffs is another archer.Use bomb arrows (Bombs can be found in a chest at the previous stronghold at the top level) to make short work of these two enemies: The Blue Lizarlfos and other Bokoblin below will become aware of your presence.Another Bokoblin will go over to investigate what happened. Crouch quickly after taking out the archer so you aren’t seen.Take aim at the archer on the platform closest to you and shoot it with your bow: Climb on top of the skull in the center of the camp without being noticed.Head to the second Monster Stronghold located on the Southeastern side of the island:.