Even small changes to your regular pattern can alter your weight by 2 pounds or more. Write down your daily weights in a log or small notebook and bring this record to your doctor visits.
Leg fluid retention full#
However, symptoms such as coughing and shortness of breath, loose stools, nausea and feeling full when without eating much may develop at the 5-to-7 pound mark" says Dr. Most people will retain 8 to 15 pounds of excess fluid before they see leg and belly swelling. "Weight change is the earliest sign of a problem with fluid balance. The good news is that you can tell if you're beginning to retain fluid merely by getting on the scale. When the kidneys detect the diminished blood flow, they activate hormones that prompt the body to retain fluid and sodium in an effort to boost the volume of blood in circulation. Other physical processes also come into play.

Leg fluid retention series#
To compensate for its weakened state, the heart undergoes a series of structural transformations. Regardless of what triggers the decline, heart failure culminates in a progressive weakening of your heart's power to pump.Ĭonsequently, blood circulates through your heart and body more slowly your cells thirst for fresh oxygen and nutrients. Many times, it is the product of years of toil against high blood pressure and clogged arteries. Heart failure may start with injury from a heart attack or develop as a result of damaged valves, infection or disease of the heart muscle cells. Eldrin Lewis, a heart failure specialist at Harvard-affiliated Brigham and Women's Hospital. "Fluid buildup can quickly escalate into a life-threatening situation," says Dr.

However, they all signal water retention, which can mean trouble for people with a history of heart failure. You may be tempted initially to dismiss this hodgepodge of problems as having little to do with your heart. The buildup of excess fluid in your body can take a variety of forms from belly bloating and swollen ankles to nausea, persistent coughing and fatigue. Fluid buildup indicates worsening heart failure.